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Re-opening of clinics

ear wax removal glasses

The British Society of Hearing Aids Audiologists ( our governing body) have now released guidelines with regard to micro suction ear wax removal.

They have informed us that ear wax removal is not a high risk aerosol procedure. We are now able to offer this face to face appointment which will be classed as ‘essential’ if the condition ’causes a hearing problem that has a negative impact on life’.

I will be wearing the recommended PPE which is mask and gloves and customer must wear mask too. Rooms must be disinfected after each appointment. Clients must come in by appointment only and a full triage of medical questions taken on telephone before appointment.

I have managed to source the equipment I need to operate in a safe environment and will be opening clinics in next couple of weeks.

Please call to be added to the waiting list so I can book appointment as soon as I have an opening date.