I have been running my micro suction ear wax removal clinics for over a year now in Havant, Petersfield, Wickham and Bordon. I see on average about fifty people a week, removing ear wax and restoring hearing and peace of mind. Most patients have not had micro suction wax removal before and have probably had syringing at their GP surgery in the past.
There are a number of questions that I am asked on a regular basis, aside from the usual ‘How much does it cost?’ – £40 per ear since you ask. Here are a few examples that might help if you have any questions about the procedure
Does it hurt ?
No it doesn’t ! I use a small stainless steel suction tube to gently suction the wax from the ear canal. This means there is no pressure in the ear or trauma to the ear drum. It is the safest method of wax removal and is pain free
How long does it take ?
I allocate half an hour per appointment but ears are normally cleared within 20 minutes
How long before I need another appointment?
Everyone is different so it’s very hard to say. If you regularly have wax build up you might need to come every 6 months to a year. Some people may be every few years and others maybe once or twice in a lifetime. I offer a £20 consultation with a video examination to check health of the ears and whether the wax is building up
What can I do stop the wax build up ?
Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to stop the wax build up. However, regular weekly use of olive oil drops will keep the ear canal lubricated and help keep the wax soft and moving. It may prevent the hard build up of compacted wax